Thursday, September 18, 2008

In a New Place

So as I said the other day, perhaps the major event of the last couple years was moving out of my parents' and into a house full of early-20-somethings nicknamed the 476. It was a fun place to live-- the 'kids' were all pretty cool, despite some conflicts over cleanliness-- and the boyfriend and I had a lot of good times there. It was a pretty major change, undertaken (at the time) because the stress of living with my dad had gotten intolerable, but in retrospect I wasn't *really* taking a huge chance because I moved in with 6 other people in a house that pretty much came with everything I needed to live day-to-day. I had to buy my own groceries and stuff like that, but the house came-- for instance-- with a vaccuum cleaner, washer and drier, furniture for the common areas, and all those things that one wouldn't often have upon moving out "on one's own."

After a little over a year at the 476, though, the time came to move on. I originally started looking for a new place because one of my roommates' occasional pot use wasn't really compatible with my application to the RCMP (more about that another time, but incidentally yeah-- I applied to the RCMP) but once I started looking a lot of other good reasons unveiled themselves: I wanted a bit more physical space, a little less congestion, a little more privacy and quiet, a bit more tidiness.

So on September 1, Matt (another of the 476ers), Angela (an Education student who answered our ad for a roommate on kijiji), the bf and I moved into a 4th floor apartment Matt and I nicknamed "Parkside Perch," which answered everything I was looking for in a place and at ~$50 less per month. And I did most of the decorating and arranging, so it really feels like I've made the place a home. I even managed to turn one corner of the living room into a little meditation space (another post for another time, how I've taken up meditation).

Anyway, so to any of our friends who haven't seen the place yet-- it would be nice to have you by-- and for those who have, consider yourselves welcome to visit (with a little advance notice) any time :)

Two years

Holy shit, I have a account! Haha.

So here's the thing: I created an account on here like two years ago, made one post, and then got distracted for a week and never checked back in. And so much happened! So much that I could have been writing about, but wasn't; just in the time since that orphaned first posting there's been Facebook, finally moving out of my parents' place and into a house nicknamed the 476, relationship ups and downs, Russian douchery, the US election cycle, my entering into therapy and taking up meditation, moving from the 476 into Parkside Perch... So much I could have been talking about. Even if no one had been listening, there's so much catharsis to be had in expressing one's self-- I've really been cheating myself out of blogging more than I've been depriving anyone else.

So here's the other thing: now that I'm in a new place I'm trying to take the opportunity to work some more routine into... uh... my routine. I'm trying to pick up some good habits, develop some practices, and I thought blogging on a more regular basis (more regular than once every couple years, anyway) would be a good bullet on the list. So I'm back. Maybe. Hopefully. It's just weird because I feel like there's so much I could/should have been saying since I stuck my flag in this little chunk of online real-estate, and now-- knowing myself-- I know I'll be tempted to spend all my blogging time reflecting on Things Past that I would have posted when they were more germane but didn't. But that would probably be futile and contrary to 'zen', so I'll try to keep that in check. The time is Now so that's where I'll try to keep the bulk of my focus.

I have all day tomorrow off-- except for some tasks I have to get done-- so I think I'll spend at least some time tomorrow writing the first post of my 'new' blog. Because no, this one doesn't count.